SHOCK: You will spill the glass of water in your hand when you hear this truth! The identity of the celebrity involved in Matthew Perry’s de@th has been revealed by the police – and it’s a very familiar name –

A second female celebrity has been linked to Matthew Perry’s drug-induced death investigation a bombshell report about their shared addiction.

An investigation by the LAPD into Perry’s fatal ketamine overdose has uncovered involvement by another friend, InTouch reports.

The as-yet unnamed woman was allegedly claiming to be sober, but was a ‘walking pharmacy’, according to a source.

Photo evidence has reportedly emerged showing the woman with Perry at the office of a doctor who was prescribing him ketamine.

The two would refer each other to their respective doctors in order to obtain the drug and would often confide in each other about their addiction battles, the source claimed.

‘If the feds had either one of their phones — especially [the second celeb’s], because she doesn’t erase her text messages.

They would probably find conversations about the drug and “How can I get extra?” Like, it will not look good for the celebrity,’ the source said.

The anonymous celebrity is the second to be linked to Perry’s death after Charlie Sheen’s ex-wife Brooke Mueller was named.

Perry was found unresponsive in the hot tub of his LA home on October 28, 2023 and died at the age of 54.

He died from the ‘acute effects of ketamine’ and drowning, his autopsy revealed – with the actor having similar quantities of ketamine in his system as a hospital patient under general anesthetic.

The actor had been open about receiving ketamine infusion therapy as treatment for depression.

But the last session was a week and a half before he died, and the ketamine is only in your system for three to four hours, which means it did not lead directly to his death.

A criminal probe was launched to establish how the star could have obtained the drug.

It later emerged Mueller had been interviewed ‘multiple times’ by the LAPD after she and Perry reportedly bonded during stays in rehab.

She was never arrested or handcuffed regarding the inquiries with sources telling InTouch that she has been co-operating with the criminal investigation.

Mueller, 46, has had various issues with substance abuse over the years. In July 2011, she underwent a rehab program. Two years later, her children were removed from her home because of suspected drug use. Mueller reentered rehab at that time.

The news came after a separate report that said investigators could charge ‘multiple people’ in relation to the actor’s death.

His passing stunned the showbiz world and broke the hearts of fans across the globe.

At the time of his death, Perry’s personal wealth was at $1.5 million. He also had a $120 million trust fund with his family and ex-girlfriend Rachel Dunn as beneficiarie

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Source: Tampa Bay Times

Insurable Interest: A Key Concept in Insurance

Insurable interest is a fundamental principle of insurance contracts that ensures the legitimacy and fairness of insurance transactions. It refers to the legal right or financial interest a person or entity must have in the subject matter of the insurance contract. The concept ensures that the policyholder has a stake in the preservation or protection of the insured property or life. Without insurable interest, an insurance policy would not be valid or enforceable.

Key Aspects of Insurable Interest

    Definition and Requirements

    Definition: Insurable interest is a financial or other interest that one party has in the life, property, or liability that is the subject of insurance.
    Requirements: It must be present at the time the insurance policy is issued. The policyholder should have a reasonable expectation of financial loss if the insured event occurs.

    Examples of Insurable Interest

    Life Insurance: A spouse has an insurable interest in the life of their partner because their financial security is tied to that person’s life.
    Property Insurance: A homeowner has an insurable interest in their home and its contents because they own them.
    Business Insurance: A company has an insurable interest in the health of its key employees, as their loss would affect business operations.

    Purpose and Importance

    Protection Against Moral Hazard: Ensures that the policyholder has a genuine interest in the preservation of the property or life, thus reducing the likelihood of fraudulent claims.
    Legitimacy of Insurance Contracts: Guarantees that insurance contracts are not merely speculative bets on the occurrence of an event.

Types of Insurable Interest

    Personal Insurable Interest: Direct and personal, such as a spouse having an interest in the life of the other spouse.
    Financial Insurable Interest: A business owner has an interest in their inventory or machinery as loss would impact the business financially.
    Property Insurable Interest: An individual has an interest in their home or car.

Legal Implications

Life Insurance: Some jurisdictions require insurable interest only at the inception of the policy, while others require ongoing insurable interest throughout the policy term.
Property Insurance: Insurance contracts may require insurable interest to be maintained throughout the duration of the policy. Failure to comply could result in the invalidation of claims.

Application in Insurance Policies

Underwriting Process: Insurable interest is a key consideration during the underwriting process to assess risk and establish premiums.
Claims Process: Insurable interest ensures that claims are legitimate, reducing fraudulent claims and ensuring that policyholders have a genuine financial stake.


Insurable interest is a foundational concept in insurance that ensures the integrity and validity of insurance contracts. It safeguards against moral hazard, establishes fairness in insurance transactions, and ensures that insurance policies provide genuine protection to policyholders. Understanding and applying insurable interest in insurance contracts is crucial for all parties involved, ensuring the protection and legitimacy of the insurance industry.