Why Kuma Became a Pacifista in One Piece

Why Kuma Became a Pacifista in One Piece


In the world of One Piece, there are many intriguing characters with mysterious pasts. One such character is Bartholomew Kuma, a former Warlord of the Sea who later became a Pacifista. This transformation has left fans wondering about the reasons behind Kuma’s drastic change. In this article, we will delve into the theories and possibilities surrounding Kuma’s transformation into a Pacifista. We will explore the events leading up to his capture, the role of the World Government, the involvement of Vegapunk, and the implications for the Straw Hat Pirates.

The Capture and Punishment

After the Straw Hat Pirates were rescued at Sabaody Archipelago, Kuma engaged in a fierce battle with Admiral Kizaru. Unfortunately, Kuma was defeated and captured, his hands restrained with seastone cuffs. The manga and anime do not explicitly mention Kuma’s capture and punishment, but a plausible theory suggests that he received the death penalty due to his opposition to the Marines.

The World Government’s Agenda

Executing Kuma outright would not have been an ideal option for the World Government, as they needed the support of as many Warlords as possible to face Whitebeard. Instead, they decided to punish Kuma for his defiance and turn him into a fully loyal slave. This led to the transformation of Kuma into a Pacifista, a powerful cyborg weapon controlled by the World Government.

Vegapunk’s Involvement

Vegapunk, a brilliant scientist and inventor, played a crucial role in Kuma’s transformation. While it is likely that Vegapunk had a good relationship with Kuma and did not willingly turn him into a full cyborg, he was pressured by the World Government to comply with their demands. Vegapunk, being an expert in cyborg technology, was the perfect candidate to carry out the transformation.

The Punishment and Loyalty

Kuma’s punishment was not only physical but also psychological. By transforming him into a Pacifista, the World Government sought to strip him of his free will and turn him into a mindless slave. This punishment was meant to serve as a deterrent to others who might dare to oppose the Marines. Kuma was aware of his fate, which is evident from his statement that his encounter with the Straw Hat Pirates would be his last.

The Role of Dragon and the Revolutionaries

Some theories suggest that Kuma’s transformation was done at the request of Monkey D. Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army. However, these theories lack evidence from the canon. It is unlikely that Dragon would benefit from such a transformation, as it would result in Kuma’s loyalty being transferred to the World Government. The World Government’s offer to Kuma or the Revolutionaries must have been incredibly enticing to outweigh the consequences of death.

Protecting the Sunny

Despite his transformation, Vegapunk programmed Kuma to honor his request to protect the Thousand Sunny, the Straw Hat Pirates’ ship. This act of kindness from Vegapunk suggests that there may have been a glimmer of sympathy in him towards Kuma, even though he was forced to comply with the World Government’s demands.


In conclusion, the transformation of Bartholomew Kuma into a Pacifista in One Piece was a result of his opposition to the Marines and the World Government. The World Government, instead of executing him, decided to punish him and turn him into a mindless weapon. Vegapunk played a significant role in carrying out the transformation, although it is likely that he did so under duress. Despite his transformation, Kuma’s loyalty to his friends is evident through Vegapunk’s programming to protect the Thousand Sunny. The true nature of Kuma’s transformation and the motives behind it remain shrouded in mystery, leaving fans eagerly awaiting further revelations in the world of One Piece.

“The transformation of Kuma into a Pacifista was a punishment for his defiance and a means to turn him into a loyal slave.” – One Piece fan theory