One Piece Elbaf Theory Perfectly Predicts Second Skypiea Island, 1 Straw Hat Will be Crucial in This Arc – It’s Not Luffy

This Straw Hat Pirate will get a significant upgrade during the Elbaf arc.


The latest happenings in One Piece’s Egghead Island arc have led to speculation that the Straw Hat Pirates will now travel to their next location, Elbaf.

Fans hope Elbaf will provide the answers to a number of puzzles and unanswered questions.
However, the most crucial aspect of the arc will be the upgrade of one of the Straw Hat Pirates, Usopp

The recent developments in the Egghead Island arc in One Piece have led to the belief that the first arc in the final saga is about to end and the Straw Hat Pirates will now proceed to their next destination, which is Elbaf. The hype around Elbaf arc has been built for quite a long time and it is going to live up to its hype.
Elbaf VillageElbaf Village
There have been many mysteries and questions that fans believe will be answered in Elbaf. The arc can also result in the much-awaited reunion of Luffy and Shanks, who was last seen in Elbaf. The arc is also rumored to provide details about the third ancient weapon in One Piece, the Uranus. However, the most important thing that the arc will bring about is the highlight of one of the Straw Hat Pirates.

The member is none other than the sniper of the crew, Usopp. Usopp has particularly shown a lot of interest in the Giants, and the island where they live. He had a deep friendship with Dorry and Brogy and one theory predicts that the Elbaf arc will be crucial for Usopp.

One Piece Theory Predicts Elbaf Will be Important For Usopp

There is a theory on Reddit by u/Mr_anonymous2007 that states that Elbaf might have a way that leads to the Sky Islands. According to the theory, Norse mythology had a tree called Yggdrasil which led to Asgard in the sky. One such tree was also seen in Elbaf during Big Mom’s flashback, thus indicating that Elbaf might introduce a second Skypiea island.

As many One Piece fans might know, Mont Blanc Noland had a deep friendship with Kalgara who was a member of the Shandia tribe who lived on Skypiea island. According to the theory, Usopp shares an uncanny resemblance with Noland. They both have a strong connection to Botany, both of them are termed liars, and Usopp even lies about being related to Noland.
UsoppUsopp in One Piece
Therefore, all these events connect together and point out that as Noland held great importance during the Skypiea arc, Usopp is bound to have similar cruciality in the Elbaf arc which would introduce another Sky island.

Elbaf Arc Might Result in an Upgrade for Usopp

Elbaf will play a significant role in the remaining chapters of One Piece’s Final Saga. Usopp, in particular, might play an important role in Elbaf, as he has expressed a strong interest in the Giants. During the Little Garden storyline, Usopp assured Dorry and Brogy that he would visit Elbaf eventually.

Furthermore, while Luffy may get the opportunity to meet Shanks, Usopp may eventually be able to meet his father Yasopp. Since the start of the series, Usopp has fantasized about being a renowned sea warrior. Given that the Elbaf arc includes the giant warriors, it will be ideal for the Straw Hat Pirates’ snipers to receive an upgrade at Elbaf.

Elbaf arc is going to hold a lot of importance in the story of One Piece, and also in the life of Usopp. Eiichiro Oda has been foreshadowing the importance of Elbaf and also the crucial role of Usopp on the Giant’s island. Fans are eagerly waiting for the Egghead arc to end so that the Straw Hats can move towards Elbaf.