This little details potentially hidden by Masashi Kishimoto in Naruto might be enough to make him a greater mangaka than some notable names.


Theories are a huge part of what makes an anime fandom, with the complexity of the theories increasing with how well the story is woven by the mangaka.
Masashi Kishimoto might just be better than all the other mangakas in hiding details in plain sight as pointed out by a commentator on YouTube
The commentator lists out all the reasons why every single Akatsuki member might be motivated for war, reflecting on real world causes.

Theories and speculations are some of the huge parts of what comprises an anime fandom. Franchises like Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto and One Piece by Eiichiro Oda are able to leave behind a legacy because of the community they build while the series is active.

The complexity of theories also depends on how great the storytelling skills of the one who is writing it, and a theory commented on YouTube by a user called Halcyon2190 has us questioning if Kishimoto just might be a better writer than other mangakas.

Naruto creator Masashi Kishimoto | image: YouTube/ Le DessineuNaruto creator Masashi Kishimoto | image: YouTube/ Le Dessineu

Why A Naruto Fan Theory Might Prove Masashi Kishimoto Is The Best Mangaka Of All Time

Naruto is a franchise that is considered to be one of the big 3 shōnen anime and has a legacy that no oncoming series can ever dare to defeat. The story is represented well to the viewers and readers alike, but Masashi Kishimoto might have had some deeper interpretations of some elements hidden in it.

As pointed out by the user mentioned above, it is a possibility that every single member of the Akatsuki, the center protagonist faction in the series, reflects a different motivation for war, with most of them serving as a mirror to real-world motivations.

Pain from NarutoPain And Konan in Naruto were in pursuit of peace.

They stated how Pain and Konan pursue Peace as a motivation to go to war with other nations. This is a detail that has been explained frequently and greatly in the series, giving it validity. Furthermore, they state how Hidan pursues religion as a motive, which is self-explanatory through his characters and his representation. Then comes Kakuzu, who is said to be motivated to war in pursuit of money, which is, again, showcased well in the series.

For the remaining members of the Akatsuki, the commentator lists out what their motivations are, mentioning how Orochimaru pursues science and experimentation, Kisame goes after exposing the truth of hypocritical countries, and Itachi goes to great lengths to protect his own nation.

Orochimaru aimed for excellence in science and experimentation as a motivation for warOrochimaru aimed for excellence in science and experimentation as a motivation for war

Lastly, the commentator states how Sasori and Deidara go after the idealistic idea of being known for bringing a democratic change that everyone will remember, with Zetsu being motivated for war to continue his lineage.

What Makes Obito And Madara Motivated To Go To War In Naruto

The aforementioned commentator has stated how Obito and Madara, two of the most significant protagonists in the whole franchise, aimed to force their own ideology onto the other nations to create a utopia where there would be an even and unified co-existence.

Madara and Obito aimed to force their ideals on everyoneMadara and Obito aimed to force their ideals on everyone

The above-listed objectives are of course some of the major reasons why these characters particularly have been made protagonists in the series. While it is not obvious at first, a deeper inspection allows the fans to find out the interpretations that Masashi Kishimoto might have left in his writing.