The popularity of manga creator Eiichiro Oda and his masterpiece, One Piece, as a manga and anime series is growing every day.
The series has now reached a level of prominence formerly reserved for world-renowned celebrities such as Taylor Swift.
According to recent reports, One Piece has become a part of Japanese students’ education.

The fame of Eiichiro Oda as a manga creator and his magnum opus, One Piece, is reaching new heights with every passing day. The series, going on for almost 30 years, has earned recognition not only in Japan but all across the world for different aspects of the franchise, like live-action adaptations, video games, merchandise, etc.

One Piece has entered it's final arcOne Piece | Toei Animation
However, now the series has unlocked a new level of fame that was only achievable by world-class celebrities like Taylor Swift. It has been recently reported that One Piece has now become a part of education for students in Japan. It has been included as a lesson in their curriculum, and this is certainly a huge achievement.

The course teaches a bunch of stuff to the students that connects One Piece and its characters with different walks of life, especially chasing and fulfilling your dreams. The course also includes other activities with reference to One Piece that are essential for students at a young age.

One Piece Reaches the Level of Taylor Swift

According to a recent report posted by @pewpiece on X, One Piece is now being taught in Japanese schools. As kids get to know the characters and their aspirations, it helps them reflect on their own objectives.


To express their aspirations, they even create their own Jolly Roger drawings. The sole focus of the class is to help students think about their future.

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The One Piece course was first introduced at Shirahata Elementary School, and it was planned as part of career education. The course has been going over for almost a year, and it helps them understand different characters from the One Piece narrative and how they are working hard to achieve their dreams.
Strawhats in One PieceStraw Hat Pirates | Toei Animation
Following the path that helps in fulfilling dreams is the main theme of One Piece and it has not only inspired fans but many different manga creators as well. Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece helping students understand their future aspirations is one of the best ways that the story can be utilized.

Eiichiro Oda and One Piece Are Making Waves

One Piece being taught as a course is indeed a big thing for the franchise and for Oda. There are very few celebrities in the world who have achieved this level of recognition, and one of them is Taylor Swift. The American singer has her own course that is being taught at Harvard University, where they reflect upon her songs, her journey as a singer, etc.
Strawhats in One PieceStrawhat Pirates in One Piece | Toei Animation
For the last few years, Oda and One Piece’s popularity all over the world has skyrocketed. This has not only helped the mangaka, but it has also provided support to the anime and manga industries in gaining worldwide recognition. One Piece has now become a part of almost every global occurrence, like parades, sporting events, etc.

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One Piece and Jujutsu Kaisen Fans Shake in Fear as Demon Slayer Achieves the One Feat Neither of them Could

Recently, One Piece was seen collaborating with the Sphere in Las Vegas. It has also collaborated with global brands like Puma, Cloud9, Culturefly, etc. The series is certainly taking over the world, and now, with the upcoming projects of the One Piece franchise, this popularity is definitely going to reach the next level.