Rihanna Reveals Why Beyonce Is A Liar & A Thief


The feud between Rihanna and Beyonce runs deeper than we though because according to several sources, Rihanna believes that Beyonce is a talented thief. There also has been a story going around for ages that Beyonce tried to sabotage Rihanna’s career because she was scared that Rihanna would surpass her. And then there is also the whole Jay-Z cheating on with Rihanna debate. So what really happened between them? And why does Rihanna cant stand Beyonce at all?beyonce nước chanh azealia ngân hàng nữ quyền

Earlier this year Azealia Banks vowed to take a permanent hiatus from Twitter.  However, as our good sis Jazmine Sullivan once wailed, ‘forever don’t last long.’

For, in a move to redirect #Beyhive stings from the mysterious Beckies of the world to herself, Banks took to Twitter to rant about Beyonce‘s hotly-selling new project ‘Lemonade.’  Accusing the songstress of being ‘anti-feminist’ and even plagiarizing some of the album’s critically acclaimed content, Banks is reaching for wig glue after questioning the validity of some of ‘Lemonade’s insinuations (namely those surrounding Jay Z‘s alleged infidelity).

Do you agree with her rant?  Or, is it just ole AB looking to cash in on some media shine?  You tell us:

tweet azealia banks beyonce lemonade2tweet azealia banks beyonce lemonade
However, Banks was singing a different tune the night of ‘Lemonade’s premiere:
