Rihanna Totally Freaked Over Finding Her Child Doppelgänger, and You Can’t Tell Them Apart

Rihanna is inimitable (which we all knew, duh), but in 20 years when it’s time for a biopic about how she took over the world, one Fenty touch-up brush at a time, we now know who to cast. And obviously, Rihanna’s the one who figured it out.

The star posted an Instagram yesterday that, at first glance, seems to be a childhood shot of herself. Or at least a photo of herself with a baby filter over it. But no, we’ve collectively been hustled, scammed, bamboozled, hoodwinked and led astray, because the picture Rihanna found is of a child model with the Instagram name Ala’a Skyy, and her resemblance to Rihanna has left even the star shook.

“Almost drop my phone. How?” Rihanna wrote on Instagram. The comments pretty much echoed that sentiment with a lot of celebs weighing in, from Miss Vanessa Vanjie Mateo (“Mary!!!! I saved the photo! Das you mini!! So cute 😍😍😍”) to Snoop Dogg (“When did u have a baby”).

And, well, their reactions are totally on point. For reference, here is a picture of Rihanna:

Photo credit: Jason Kempin – Getty Images 

Alright, I’m well aware you didn’t need that, but stay with me. Now look at this picture of Ala’a:

That is an uncanny resemblance. Once Rihanna posted the picture to her audience of 73.4 million, Ala’a thanked her in her own Instagram. “Thank you @BadGalRiri for posting my picture! I’ve always wanted to be a model,” she wrote.

Cuuute. Now can we get a pic of them together?